10 Secrets About the Construction Technology Trends

Construction Technology Trends

Construction Technology Trends

Keeping up with labor constraints and trying to differentiate themselves from the competition will require construction companies to watch upcoming technology trends. Explore how these new building technologies will change the industry in the years to come to boost your production and remain competitive.

Construction Technology Trends

  1. AI for Construction

AI has the ability to contribute huge value to the building industry. First, build a comprehensive, high-quality database of historical results and then implement machine learning techniques to create predictions. Using AI to generate new building schedules by examining dozens or millions of possibilities is one of our favorite examples to illustrate this point. Another technique to incorporate AI into the building is through image recognition. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can analyze photographs of materials on the working site and identify materials at risk or monitor high-risk worker behavior.

If you’re hunting for an AI, keep in mind that its name may have changed by the time you find it. In some cases, the term “algorithms” is used instead of “machine learning.”

  1. The Connected Job Site

There is already a connected job site. We expect firms to put more effort into practicing this technology. In 2020, we’ll see a surge in our efforts to do away with paper forms. The usage of digital forms by construction businesses for the distribution of information on-site is a result of this.

Construction managers gain in two ways when they take full advantage of the linked job site. First, people get a better knowledge of the website without traveling every day. As a result, less time is lost in travel, and more time is freed up for making adjustments. Employees will be less frustrated because they won’t have to wait for a response from the main office.

Device Magic’s Enterprise Solution can immediately deliver the connected job site’s potential to your team. This is a construction technology that can be used without breaking the bank.

  1. Augmented Reality(AR)

Gaming and gadgets initially made a virtual reality (VR) accessible to the general population. On the other hand, the building site is now being transformed by augmented reality (AR). Consider the following scenario: a construction worker wears Google Glass and gets real-time updates on the status of their job.

AR, for example, can alert workers when they’re overworked and need to take a break. Using AR, personnel can be alerted to potential problems before they arise by receiving data such as temperature, pressure, and other measurements.

  1. Analytics and IOT

More analytics and Internet of Things (IoT) features are desired by building owners. Our prediction is that the construction industry will become more proficient in the Internet of Things as a result of this. Buildings equipped with network-connected sensors are expected to become more common. As a result, building owners will be able to better control their HVAC systems, security, and energy consumption. To save time shortly, consider contracting out IoT tasks to specialized companies. Long-term competitiveness necessitates building this capability in-house.

  1. Modular Construction

The era of custom-built houses is drawing to a close. Modular building, on the other hand, is likely to gain in popularity in the near future. This prediction is made possible by the advancements in 3D printing technology. It is also crucial to consider speed. Customers’ patience for protracted construction delays is dwindling in the era of Amazon’s same-day delivery.

How crucial is the modular building market? It’s now worth more than $100 billion a year, according to a study published in 2018. From 2018 to 2023, the category is predicted to increase at a rate of more than 6% per year.

  1. Construction Worker’s Exoskeleton

As compared to our other forecasts, this one is a little more “out there.” Although these gadgets exist, there’s a lot of opportunities for them to be used in new ways. An exoskeleton can be conceptualized as “wearable gadgets” in its broadest sense. Construction workers benefit from the use of these gadgets in two ways. A primary benefit of these devices is their ability to protect workers from on-the-job hazards (i.e., workers can avoid touching hazards directly). Second, people in the construction industry might gain more strength.

  1. Autonomous Vehicles

Getting around in large-scale building projects like resorts, mines, and commercial properties can be a challenge.. Autonomous vehicles—also known as self-driving cars—will become increasingly popular. The construction of self-driving cars, as opposed to those on public roads, will be more attractive as their operating environment is more constrained.

According to the firm, some of Rio Tinto’s mines currently use autonomous cars. The use of these types of vehicles can help construction companies make the most of their scarce resources. Using these vehicles is a wonderful approach to enhance productivity, as they never stop.

  1. 3D Printing

Construction is undergoing a radical change because of 3D printing. Two bridges were built using this new technology just a few years ago. Construction organizations are already using 3D printing throughout the world to help them accomplish projects more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

When working with a wood/plastic model, contractors had to start from scratch every time an adjustment needed to be made. With the advent of 3D printing, contractors no longer have to start from scratch when making changes to their designs. While plastic and wooden models can only be made with straight lines, 3D printing allows for curved forms.

Full-scale 3D printing projects are becoming increasingly commonplace and even more exciting. With 3D printing, you may create parts and components that will be employed to create your project.

  1. Rise of Eco-Friendly Materials

Eco-friendly products are becoming increasingly important to contractors and builders. It’s important for builders and contractors to know exactly what they’re using and how the goods they choose affect their carbon footprint. Not every material advertised as “green” is genuinely eco-friendly.

You can save trees by using wood recovered from trees that have already been felled instead of purchasing new timber for a construction project. Steel is a good example of this. Steel production uses a lot of energy; however, recycling steel for a construction project can achieve the same goals while using a lot fewer resources than virgin steel.

  1. Robotics

In the construction business, robots are revolutionizing the process with their ability to accomplish tasks rapidly and securely. Today, they’re already being utilized for a variety of construction tasks, including bricklaying, painting, loading, and more, and that number is only going to rise.

Using robots on a construction site helps keep workers safe, decreases injuries, and can help finish jobs when there aren’t enough people available to do the work themselves. Despite the fact that the construction industry will always require manual labor, new robot technology can assist speed up the process, eliminate delays, and boost productivity in a wide range of areas.

About Kate Magon 198 Articles
Kate Magon is a writer, story teller and a public speaker for many years. She has more than 5 years experience in content writing and she recently became a contributor at technewzbazaar. Cooking delicious food and travelling across the various places are her hobbies. Read her contribution on technewzbazaar dot com and leave your comments.

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